Put the bacon fat in the Dutch oven and heat until it melts. Add the bear roast and brown it on all sides.
Season the roast with salt and pepper, and then add all of the diced veggies and herbs. I don’t specify the amount of potatoes, because it depends how much you want to eat and what size you’re using – just go with what your gut tells ya.
Stir in the liquids, and then cover the Dutch oven with a lid.
Place the Dutch oven in the oven, and cook for 7-8 hours at the low temperature. Don’t peek at it as it cooks.
At the 7 hour mark, check to see what the internal temperature is, remembering that you want it to be 160⁰ F. If it’s not quite to the right temperature, stick it back in the oven until it does reach 160⁰ F.
When done, strain the juices, remove any fat from the meat, and serve it up. Or, if you want gravy, use the juices to whip up a quick batch.