Remove the leaves by cutting them off about 2-inches above the beet. Reserve the leaves and stems to cook as you would collard greens. Rinse the beets off, but don't cut anything away - keep the beet whole.
Bring 8 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and 1 teaspoon of salt to a boil.
When the water starts boiling, add the beets to the pot and boil for 30 minutes.
When you can prick the beets with a fork and it easily goes in, the beets are done. Remove them from the boiling water and let them rest on a paper towel to cool for 10 minutes.
Once cooled, cut the top and bottom of the beet off, and then cut the beet in half.
Sometimes you can use the paper towel to help remove the skin by cradling the skin side in the paper towel and pulling away, but if this doesn't work, place the cut side down on a cutting board and cut the skin away with a pairing knife.