I often have friends that are non-hunters ask for some of our wild game meat so that they can taste and enjoy. The husband is not game with me giving away “all of the meat we harvest” so I oftentimes have to sneak out a couple of steaks to share with friends, but there is another solution for non-hunters to also taste wild game meat.
Shop Local Farms for Any Type of Meat
This would be my first recommendation for finding any type of meat. I would choose local farm-raised meats over grocery store meats any day. A quick Google search can help you find local farms that sell meat, but in my experience, local farmers don’t usually have websites, let alone know how to do digital marketing/SEO. Ask on your local Facebook group or on Nextdoor to see if any of your neighbors know of local farms you can stop by.
In my county, everyone uses Facebook to find out information like this. The local farmers usually have a refrigerator on their front porch or in the barn where it’s all paid using the honor system – you grab what you want and leave the cash in a jar. How’s that for hometown love! It may not be wild game, but this is the BEST way to get chicken and bacon that you know is farmed locally and not pumped full of preservatives and drugs.
Local Butchers Often Have Wild Game Meat

Do a Google search for “order wild game meat” and you’ll find local meat markets near you. With that search, I found meat markets that specifically sell wild game meat, but most times you can find a variety of meats at your local meat market, including sushi-grade meats and exotic meats like alligator and frog legs.
If you’re in Denver, Steve’s Meat Market is the ticket for local wild game meat. From what I hear, Steve’s is the go-to-place for wild game processing for those that don’t like to do their own processing. We process our own meats, but I have tasted the jalapeno cheese log from Steve’s and it was killer.
Being a Southern girl and craving meats I grew up on like crawfish, I can usually pick up frozen tails from any of the meat markets in Denver. For live crawfish, however, you have to order them in, and if you do, try my crawfish boil recipe.
Buying Wild Game Meat Online
It may not be the same as fresh, but when you have a craving for wild game meat or exotic meat, you have to go online sometimes – especially if you live in a rural area like me. Below are a few options for you to explore getting wild game meats delivered to your door.
Farm Foods – These guys have a cool story, they have a coop of more than 20 ranches that work together to deliver quality meats. They make me feel like I’m visiting their farm when shopping from their website. They don’t specialize in wild game, but they do have elk, bison, duck, and pheasant. BONUS, they offer free shipping if you order more than 10 pounds of meat!
Broken Arrow Ranch – This website is top-notch too and makes you feel like you’re working with a family ranch because you are. Make sure to check out their family meal packs that include wild boar sausage, ground venison, venison stew meat, and quail. Shipping is pricey and I didn’t find any sort of quantity discounts. There is a minimum order of $50.
Fossil Farms – I like these guys because of their variety, beautiful imagery, and simple website layout. Speaking of exotic, make sure to check out guinea hen, yak, and emu, or keep it wild with elk, antelope, or wild boar. Yikes on the shipping fees though – to ship 2 pounds of meat the cost of shipping was higher than the cost of the meat.
Steaks and Game – With a name like that, you know it’s gotta have a great selection! Last time I checked they have a 10% off code if you join their grill club. They offer a variety of meats from venison and elk to kangaroo and ostrich. Seriously, this is the place with the best online meat variety I’ve seen. But, they pack fees for shipping – make sure to check out their shipping fees so you know how much to order to get the best bang for your buck (pun intended).
D’Artagnan – Want something a little more gourmet? These guys are your ticket! They have your wild game meats but also find ingredients like truffle, mushrooms, and demi-glace. They currently have $25 off your first order of $150 or more if you sign up for their emails. If you really want to spoil yourself, try the foie gras and caviar. You get hit with shipping charges with these guys too.
If you can’t get your meats in the forest, you always have the options above to shop with. There’s also wild game meat on Amazon and you’ll likely get a killer deal on shipping, but that just seems odd. Do you have a favorite place to get wild game meats? Let me know in the comments below.
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